i was on fb a short while ago.my bro,ravi,posted something very unusual.the post indicated something like he lost all hope in life.
what the f....
this is so not like him at all..
i chatted with him on fb.
it took quite some time before he replied.
then he told me something that suprised me.
he was crying.
no way,this is not the ravi i know.the ravi i know would not cry.he is far stronger than i am.far more braver.the type of person who wouldn't cry.he was not even in the state of telling me what happened to him.seems to me that this may be a serious case...
im all ears,if he is ready to tell me what's troubling him.
please,dude,dont do anything stupid
one of my best friend here in usm warned me not to do anything stupid whenever im troubled.and here i am,telling ravi not to do anything stupid.coz i know that he might do so.
the same way my best friend in usm has always be with me whenever im troubled,im gonna do the same to you
dude,we're bros.and we stand up for each other
oh well,got class tonight.
the "be" should have been written as "been".typing error